I was taught the original recipe from my good friend Ms. Gina many years ago 😘, I adapted this recipe to make it #zerocarbweek friendly mostly by swapping out the jar of Italian Olive salad because it has carrots and other higher carb veggies in it and my seasonings of course! This is light refreshing and deliciously crunch 😊 I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Ingredients: 2 tbsp Red Wine Vinegar 2 tbsp olive juice from green olives 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp Cajun seasoning @slapyomamma 1 tbsp olive oil 1/4 cup sliced green olives - I used @greatvalue @walmart 1/4 tbsp kalamata olives rough chopped 1 cup celery stalks chopped - 3-4 lg stalks Preparation: 1. In a medium sized bowl combine all ingredients. 2. Refrigerate for 1 hour or longer to allow all the flavors to develop and Enjoy! 😋 . . . . . . #keto #salad #olives #ketodiet#greenliving #foodiefeature#cleaneating #glutenfree#glutenfreeliving #glutenfreelife#ncgs #nonceliacglutensensitivity#momblogger #mommyblogger#blogger #lifestylebloggers #lifestyle#lifestyleblogger #celiac#ketobreakfast #ketosnack #easyketo#lowcarbrecipes #healthyfats#weightloss #nolablogger #ketodiet#ketoforweightloss #lowcarb