My quick and ! It's what's for #lunch! Because sometimes you just need to get ish on a plate quick😉⠀Do you have some recipe hacks that help you save time? Share them in the comments below. I'd love hear what you do!

⠀ Ingredients:⠀ 2 Cans of tuna⠀ 7 Cherry tomatoes cut in half⠀ 1/2 Avocado⠀ 1 Boiled Egg ⠀ 7 Pickle ⠀ My Homemade Ranch Dressing⠀ ⠀ Preparation:⠀ 1. Drain and mix the 2 cans of tuna with a few tablespoons of the homemade ranch dressing. How wet/ saucy is a preference but I use about 4 tablespoons. ⠀ 2. Arrange everything on a plate, drizzle with a little more dressing and Enjoy!😋⠀ .⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ #keto #ketodiet #foodiefeature #glutenfree #glutenfreeliving #glutenfreelife #ncgs #nonceliacglutensensitivity #momblogger #mommyblogger #blogger #lifestylebloggers #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #infertility #ketosnack #easyketo #lowcarbrecipes #healthyfats #weightloss #nolablogger #ketodiet #ketoforweightloss #lowcarb #buzzfeast #ketoguido #saladdressing #salad #zerocarbweek⠀