I like to make 3 servings at a time so I always have a quick breakfast or dessert to grab when I’m wanting some thing a little sweet. I’ve always seen chia pudding recipes and never thought I’d like it BUT this is definitely a fave of mine! Try it and let me know how you like to top it off 🤗

1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tbsp almond butter
1 tbsp @Splenda or another zero calorie sweetener
1/3 cup almond/ coconut milk unsweetened, or your choice of liquid.
Toppings optional:
1 tbsp sugar free chocolate chips like @Hersheys or @Lilys_sweets_chocolates
1 tbsp nuts, I like pecans and walnuts
Mix first 5 ingredients in a container, cover and refrigerate overnight or for at least 3 hrs. Top with your favorite toppings and ENJOY! 😋 . . . . . . #keto #lilyschocolatechips#chiapudding #ketodiet #greenliving#foodiefeature #cleaneating#glutenfree #glutenfreeliving#glutenfreelife #ncgs#nonceliacglutensensitivity#momblogger #mommyblogger#blogger #lifestylebloggers #lifestyle#lifestyleblogger #celiac#ketobreakfast #ketosnack #easyketo#lowcarbrecipes #healthyfats#weightloss #nolablogger #ketodiet#ketoforweightloss #lowcarb#buzzfeast